Center for Playful Inquiry

let’s partner to inspire courage, invigorate community, and catalyze change

What we do

The Center for Playful Inquiry partners with adults who care for children to embolden their practice, improving living and learning conditions that promote voice, agency, and strong community. By prioritizing play, the arts, and meaning-making, we strengthen the relationship between childhood and adulthood to inspire justice, democracy, and beauty through curiosity, compassion, and courage. We cultivate partnership through the online Studio for Playful Inquiry, presentations and workshops, customized consulting, individual coaching and publication,

In The Studio for Playful Inquiry

You’ll join a global community dedicated to sparking, sustaining, and practicing curiosity, joy, and possibility on behalf of our work alongside children, families, and colleagues..

The Studio engages play, the arts, and meaning-making to hold a stance against scripts and standardization.

Moving forward with uncertainty while holding a strong image of children relies on compassionate collaborators. And The Studio is full of them -waiting for you!

If you have questions about the experience or registration, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Get the book!

Get the book!

How can we establish a classroom community of beginning writers where equity, empathy, and compassion become part of the process and vital by-products of story writing?

Story Workshop includes an abundance of classroom videos, photos, and student samples that illustrate what is possible.  Watch how students’ imaginations soar, their love of writing blossoms, and their connections with one another become the focal point of your classroom.

Now in The Studio for Playful Inquiry

Each month we explore a "through line" of interest to members around the world. This month we’re considering love, asking What is the love we need for these times and how do we find it in ourselves? How do we practice it together? What stories from our perspective of care-givers can inspire more adults to wonder about the tremendous capacities of young human beings?

We’ll begin our month in conversation with The Revolutionary Love Project’s Valarie Kaur and Nicole Marie and we’ll read See No Stranger with an eye toward what it has to tell us about our practice in this time.

Arts educator Kathryn Ann Myers will help us deepen our thinking through color mixing.

A Studio Course

In February and March, we’re hosting a new online course led by The Revolutionary Love Project’s Nicole Marie.

Learn more (and register) here.

What people are saying about our work:

  • “If John Dewey were to come back from the grave, he would say YES. This is what I was talking about.”

    Tom Newkirk, author

  • “The Studio serves as a warming hut for teachers when so much in education these days feels cold and sharp.”

    Kathy Collins, author and literacy consultant

  • “The thoughtful questions Matt and Susan asked and the resources they shared helped build our team's capacity to think deeply about what it means to engage educators in collaboration, learning, and student-centered teaching."

    Emily Glasgow, Portland Public Schools

  • “I leave energized and excited about ways to connect educators to deeper senses of purpose and collaboration, of the central role of inquiry and play in learning, and of the crucial function of leaders who think, question and act rather than just ‘do’.”

    Fiona Zinn, The Friends’ School, Hobart, Tasmania

  • “From sharing documentation, to sharing ideas and thought processes - all of it makes us more ready to serve the children in our care, to meet them where they need us to be.”

    Donna Indrakumaran, Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board

What are Studio members saying?

Take a listen to these short testimonials from current Studio members - then join them! Jump in for a membership trial today!

 About Us


Matt Karlsen

I find joy and purpose in partnering with other educators to investigate their work with children in order to expand our imagination regarding new frontiers for how that work supports dignity and democracy. Over the last twenty-five years, my teacher-research journey has included work as a teacher and as a facilitator of professional development (including as Director of Opal School's Center for Learning.) 

Contact Matt

Susan Harris MacKay

I find great meaning in working with educators who wish to enrich their practice as teacher-researchers committed to strengthening relationships between play, beauty, and justice. Former teacher and pedagogical director at Opal School and Portland Children’s Museum, my work has appeared in a variety of publications in the fields of museum education, leadership, and classroom practice. Most recently, I authored Story Workshop: New Possibilities for Young Writers (Heinemann, 2021). I’m excited to offer individual coaching sessions for educators and caregivers.

Contact Susan

Even though it’s only been in existence since 2021, the Center for Playful Inquiry is proud of the work its done with a wide range of partners, including Artful Teaching (Juneau School District), Barbara Vick Center (Chicago Public Schools), Beaverton School District, Burnaby Schools, CEESA, Changing Results for Young Children, Chapters International, Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board, ECE-RJ, ECSTEM Conference, Frankfurt International School, Little Owl School, Loose Parts Summit, NAEYC, Oregon Department of Education, PILAglobal, Playful Schools Network, Portland Public Schools, Project Zero, Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange, School District No. 43 (BC), School District 60 (BC), Seaside School District, Semann and Slattery, Siemens CDC, TBSMB Innovative School, Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, UNIS Hanoi, Vancouver School Board, and Zurich International School.

If you have an idea for how we might learn together - or if you just want to say “hi” - don’t hesitate to reach out.